Sunday 1 April 2012

What baking means more to me

I have deserted this blog for a pretty long time. The more reading I do (my most occupied job) the more I find myself nothing, or less than nothing. A negative feeling has been overwhelming me, and I wonder if i should go on with blogging, something I am both passionate about and nerve wracked due to a blog's publicity. It's somehow embarrassing you know when you are so immature and would like to do things beyond your ability.

Anyway, munching on the sorrow would not drive me to anywhere and yet munching on my first time home baked cakes would hopefully capsize the situation.

(Savoury gateau)
(Chocolate buttery gateau)
(Broccoli bread)
These days, I find myself the kind of person who would like to do something different to drive me out of the status of weak capability, and when I am hungry and thirsty for that kind of food-for-well being, I turn to mixing and dough kneading, which is good to burn out all excessive energy ran for negative thinking. I put any materials I find in my home for experimental recipes, things like chicken shred, carrots, broccoli, onions, and my son's chocolate leftover, which turn out to be resourceful for creativity, the luxury of a psychologically tired person. Baking this way is not really a way to act out an art or that kind of thing but a truly way of stress busting. That is another meaning I find in baking. At least, my baking can however bring a great pleasure to my big boy and my little boy.

The negative feeling in me is getting over...